Terra Galaica is a primeval land, where the stones speak, telling us about their ancient history. A land where its waters, its forests and its tradition keep alive the knowledge and teachings of yesteryear. A land where a powerful telluric energy resides and connects it to other enclaves around the planet that have attracted people over time.

We will dive into the most strategic points of ancestral Galicia, giving voice to its visible and invisible landscapes. We will travel together through its legends, its myths, its grove, its Atlantic and thermal waters, its gastronomy, its ara solis and places with a strong symbolic and ritualistic charge.

We will invite you through the door ”Beyond The Way", to show you its original roots, thus taking you to a reality impregnated with neolithic memories, enjoying the nature that surrounds us and bathing in medicinal waters that will give us relaxation, energy and well-being.

We wil visit sacred spaces full of magic and we will connect with the energy and information that resides in Mother Earth, accessing her knowledge from the hand of the guardians of the place, with a different staging and through experiences and stories every step of the way.

Join us in this magic experience that will connect you deeply

An inner journey and a journey Beyond the Way

that will take you back home, back… to the Origin

Enjoy the vision of the full video presentation of Terra Galaica

The places we will visit


In the Punta Herminia Natural Park, an authentic open-air museum on the banks of the Ría de A Coruña, we will begin the rite of passage of the Hero's Journey until reaching the Compass Rose with its representation of the 8 Celtic nations and end in The Tower of Hercules, the oldest operating lighthouse in the world (UNESCO World Heritage Site) and its previous presence as Torre de Breogán, Celtic king of the Galician kingdom.


In Cambre, an important stop on the English Way, we will find a small Romanesque chapel where we will discover relics brought from the Holy Land by the Order of the Temple.


This is about a Sacred Rock Sanctuary dating from the Bronze Age dedicated to Fertility. An enclave from where the original ancestors of this land honored the feminine aspect of the divine, making offerings, rituals and connecting with the powerful energies of the place. In this space we will be accompanied by a druid, shaman and heir of the traditions and ancient knowledge that will help us listen to messages from Mother Earth.


We will immerse ourselves in one of the best preserved Celtic Castros in Galicia. Declared an Asset of Cultural Interest, in this imposing venue we will connect with the way of living and understanding the forces of nature of its inhabitants and with the knowledge and druidic knowledge that has survived to this day.


Inside the Lugo Spa, where we will stay and you can delight in its mineral-medicinal hot springs, we will find the Roman Baths, one of the most representative monuments of the Roman cultural legacy. They are originally from the year 15 before our era, they were dedicated to the Nymphs by its builders, showing their gratitude to the titular goddesses of the spring thanks to the healing quality of its waters.


We will enter the Sacred Forest of Lugo, a classroom of ancestral nature. An ancient megalithic complex of cult where stone, water and the sun are the main characters. A space full of magic that will inspire you to perform a Forest Bath and be guided to the beat of our heart to connect with this place.

The guardian of this wonderful place is the repository and transmitter of an information that has inhabited this enclave for thousands of years. Through memories that remain active in the stone and in the water, will guide us on a journey through time from Penas das Rodas to Pena da Moura. Both structures, located in a straight line with a distance of about 2 km, are considered an astronomical complex and a solar calendar where the where the alignment occurs between its structures and the sunrise on the winter solstice, and with the sunset on the summer solstice.


We will enter the city of Lugo to cross its Walls that are more than 2,000 years old are the best preserved in the world. From the hand of the greatest expert of pre-Christian Rome of the province, architect and participant in the discovery and excavation of ancient archaeological sites, we will learn why Emperor Augustus felt the powerful call to build the city that would bear his name in this enclave. (Lucus Augusti).


With great archaeological and architectural value, this Temple is related to pre-Christian cult activities and with waters, which makes it unique in character in western europe . It It is dedicated to Cybele, goddess of nature and fertility, venerated in Rome as the Great Mother of the Gods and is considered built on a previous ancestral cult space, connected with other points in the region, related to ancient knowledge about the energy and power of waters .


We will visit Cabo Touriñán, the westernmost tip of the Iberian Peninsula where the King Star is set, marking the true end of his route. Wild place of majestic landscape beauty, where the 4 elements that give life (water, earth, sun and air) are present at their highest expression..

Since time immemorial, travelers from all corners of the known earth have made pilgrimages to see the sun die under the waters before being reborn at the end of the world. They say that an Sun worship Altar, the Ara Solis, was erected at this point as a symbol of death and rebirth. We will contemplate how the Sun sets at sunset on our Hero's Journey from the high seas, in an unforgettable experience.


We will cross the Coast of Death, to experience a vision of the Ocean in its purest and wildest state, the fiercest coastal strip in all of Europe, to reach Muxía where one of our collaborators, experts in legends, mythology and ancient history, will surprise us with his explanation about this stone monument open to the sea and its Barca Sanctuary. He will take us on a journey through time to make us aware of its most ancestral meaning that turned Muxía into a place of pilgrimage and of great importance for its first settlers. We will be able to feel the energy of the Abalar Stone, which according to tradition has the power to transmit fertility.


The city that stands as the final destination of the Way, keeps a great secret that is unknown to pilgrims. The reason for its importance lies in the knowledge that cultures prior to the Romans and Christianity possessed and the reason for its origin will surprise you. What is there Beyond the Way, in Santiago? Our collaborator and founder of the Secretos de Galicia routes will guide us through this city, entering into its secrets and its hidden symbology, to discover the true history that connects it with the original call of this Galician Land,….with its ORIGIN.


In this traveling experience you will stay in hotels with top quality facilities, with panoramic views and near places full of history and traditions. Download the complete trip dossier for free to learn more details.

Practical information

TERRA GALAICA - Beyond The Way -

will take place on two dates for 2024:

  • July 22 to 29 (spanish and english languages)
  • August 19 to 26 (spanish and italian languages)

The experience will be carried out with small groups between 10 and 20 people.

Option Full Trip

 Services included in Full Trip:

  • 7 nights accommodation in a shared double room with breakfast (supplement for single room)
  • Half board (5 meals and 2 dinners)
  • Minibus transfers with driver, according to itinerary
  • Companions throughout the tour, local experts and experiences and visits designed for each place (voluntary)
  • Last dayminibus transfer from Santiago de Compostela to A Coruña
  • Travel and cancellation insurance

Check thea option to participate in the trip with a stay of 6 days and 5 nights, ending upon arriving in Santiago on the 6th.

  Not Included services:

  • Flights or other round-trip transportation
  • First day transfer to the hotel
  • Meals or drinks not mentioned in the travel program
  • Other personal expenses
  • Any other service not indicated in the included services

Option Self-Managed Trip

With this option the possibility of participating in the trip is also offered autonomously managing travel and accommodation .

Desde asTara hemos querido adaptarnos a las nuevas tendencias en materia de viajes y te ofrecemos la posibilidad de realizar el viaje de forma autogestionada.

Si te decides por esta opción, disfrutarás de todas las actividades y experiencias guiadas del viaje completo, así como de las comidas (cenas en los casos del primer y último día), gestionando tú de manera autónoma los desplazamientos y el alojamiento.

De esta manera tú decides cómo moverte y con quién, y dónde quedarte cada día. Podrás elegir entre buscar un lugar de tu agrado, compartir un apartamento si venís en grupo, quedarte en casa de algún familiar o amigo o incluso volver a casa si vives cerca.

¡Una gran flexibilidad y un ahorro muy importante que no está contemplado en viajes organizados de esta naturaleza!

Know all the conditions about the Self-managed Trip by asking for the free dossier

Included services:

  • 2 guías acompañantes durante todo el recorrido.
  • 4 actividades a cargo de 3 expertos locales.
  • Experiencias diseñadas para cada lugar a visitar
  • Experiencia en barco para ver puesta de sol en Finisterre.
  • 5 comidas y 2 cenas (en el primer y último día).

Not Included services:

  • Medios de transporte
  • Comidas o bebidas no mencionadas.
  • Cualquier otro servicio no indicado en el apartado anterior.

You will be accompanied by

José Carlos Hermida

Sonia Lamas

Davide Rampino

Francisca López

Carlos Sanchez-Montaña

Rafael Lema



This trip has involved a search within myself through nature and my fellow travelers. It has been a recharge of energy, of inner peace and something very important, confirmation of a message through the stones. A spectacular journey in which you discover hidden stories, legends, rituals, sacred places. Contact with nature, so beautiful in these lands of Galicia, the sea, the sunset, the forest, the stones. Learn about the culture and history of these magical places told by experts and professionals, led by magnificent guides who make you connect with each site visited


A fascinating journey to the origins of Galicia. Through dreamy forests, meadows of greenery that heal the soul and cliffs where a raging sea breaks, I have known how Moors, Celts and Romans inhabited the most beautiful corner of Spain. It has been a magical experience guided by an unparalleled master of ceremonies and guides of extraordinary wisdom, in love with their land.


It has been wonderful… For me it has meant relaxation, and a brutal emotional release. I have returned calm and very focused on the present. I would recommend it to all people who need to express their inner self openly, who want to let go and enjoy. You are special, you transmit so much love and tranquility that I will repeat again yes or yes.


For me it has been a perfect trip, totally recommended to return renewed. I encourage everyone to live this enriching experience. Willing to repeat


Galicia seems to me to be a beautiful, incredible and magical land because of everything I have felt and experienced in these wonderful days. Within it, from your hands I have been able to travel a beautiful path towards my interior, through its forests, its stones, its rivers and its bridges, its temples and sanctuaries, its altars, its ruins, its lighthouses and its immense Ocean, its wild beaches, its caves, its steep coasts... Everything in it, between the sacred and the pagan, welcomes you, speaks to you in many ways, whispers to you and hugs you so that you can never forget it.


Join the experience!

For more details download below the Full Trip Dossier and  book your place 

To make your reservation and download the Self-managed format trip

Fill out the following form to download de Full Trip Dossier, or to  make your reservation

Summer 2024

Where will we go?

 Day 1. Arrival and welcome to Coruña

 Day 2. A Coruña – Cambre

 Day 3. Coirós – Lugo

 Day 4. Outeiro de Rei

 Day 5. Santa Eulalia de Bóveda – Fisterra

 Day 6. Muxía – Santiago de Compostela

 Day 7. Santiago de Compostela

 Day 8. Departure

You can download the complete program for free by filling out the form.