Desde Orígenes queremos ponerte en contacto con la sabiduría de antaño mediante viajes, encuentros y charlas, que aspiran a descubrir el legado que nos dejaron nuestros ancestros y a que cada vez más personas compartan un mismo camino de consciencia.

Llevamos a cabo viajes a lugares clave para la comprensión de las distintas civilizaciones y de la humanidad en su conjunto. Lugares sagrados que han sido el centro de las peregrinaciones desde el origen de los tiempos y en los que reside una información y un tipo de energía diferente y transformadora.

De la mano de herederos de esa sabiduría; druidas, chamanes, escritores e historiadores, entre otros, accederemos al conocimiento de enclaves energéticos de poder, construcciones milenarias y mensajes y simbología oculta, que te permitirán conectar profundamente con el planeta y con tu interior, para así volver a tu Origen. 

Desde Orígenes queremos ponerte en contacto con la sabiduría de antaño mediante viajes, encuentros y charlas, que aspiran a descubrir el legado que nos dejaron nuestros ancestros y a que cada vez más personas compartan un mismo camino de consciencia.

Llevamos a cabo viajes a lugares clave para la comprensión de las distintas civilizaciones y de la humanidad en su conjunto. Lugares sagrados que han sido el centro de las peregrinaciones desde el origen de los tiempos y en los que reside una información y un tipo de energía diferente y transformadora.

De la mano de herederos de esa sabiduría; druidas, chamanes, escritores e historiadores, entre otros, accederemos al conocimiento de enclaves energéticos de poder, construcciones milenarias y mensajes y simbología oculta, que te permitirán conectar profundamente con el planeta y con tu interior, para así volver a tu Origen. 

At Origins we propose a different way of traveling


A bet to connect with you, with your travel companions and with the place visited in an intimate and personal way


A path that will take us to travel beyond what is known, to discover that everything that surrounds us is also in us


An experience created from personal experience and cared for in detail, where immersion is assured

We will accompany you so that you can undertake journeys like you have never experienced before

From Origins we will accompany you so that you can undertake journeys like you have never experienced before .


In which you will connect with ancestral cultures and sacred places, with the information that resides in the environment and the transmission of primordial knowledge that has overcome the barriers of time

To legend lands, donde se aúnan la tradición oral y la escrita, lo oficial y lo imaginario, la historia presente en los libros y la que no ha sido contada. Acompañados de música y cuentos de nuestros antepasados para conectarte con la madre Tierra.


To legend lands , where oral and written tradition, the official and the imaginary, the history present in books and the one that has not been told, come together. Accompanied by music and stories from our ancestors to connect you with Mother Earth.



That will bring you closer to hidden symbology  and ancient mysteries through the messages left by ancient civilizations, in connection with the universe and with the unknowns still to be resolved

And all this being immersed in the enjoyment of the land that welcomes us, its customs, its gastronomy, its folklore and its people. Experiencing the joy of living and sharing, para que recuerdes que nada, ni nadie, existe por sí mismo. Everything is connected.

What you will find

  • Experiential approach incorporating activities that enhance group bonding, calm, well-being, celebration and enjoyment
  • Healthy, intuitive, creative and friendly environment, where every aspect will be taken care of with special sensitivity to make you feel at ease
  • Places which will take you through a portal to travel in time from the ancestral to the present and explore them from a millenary cosmovision to connect with their magic
  • Hotel accommodation that provides a welcoming, beautiful and harmonious environment for the journey, offering a high level of comfort and all kind of facilities
  • Participation of specialised and recognised professional guides and collaborators.. Achieving a unique and deep connection with the spaces visited, they will accompany you with love, providing the knowledge and wisdom acquired over the years and through research
  • Care, gratitude and respect for the nature that welcomes us and for its inhabitants who open their doors to us
  • Contribution to sustainable local development, through collaboration with companies that respect and care for the environment and through selected food based on the use of local and fresh raw materials that guarantee the highest quality
  • Participation of specialised and recognised professional guides and collaborators.. Achieving a unique and deep connection with the spaces visited, they will accompany you with love, providing the knowledge and wisdom acquired over the years and through research
  • Care, gratitude and respect for the nature that welcomes us and for its inhabitants who open their doors to us
  • Contribution to sustainable local development, through collaboration with companies that respect and care for the environment and through selected food based on the use of local and fresh raw materials that guarantee the highest quality
  • Experiential approach incorporating activities that enhance group bonding, calm, well-being, celebration and enjoyment
  • Healthy, intuitive, creative and friendly environment, where every aspect will be taken care of with special sensitivity to make you feel at ease
  • Places which will take you through a portal to travel in time from the ancestral to the present and explore them from a millenary cosmovision to connect with their magic
  • Hotel accommodation that provides a welcoming, beautiful and harmonious environment for the journey, offering a high level of comfort and all kind of facilities